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Girl like a lampshade – with the Virgin Mary’s eyes,
Tubercular, transparent, a body in a dream,
Girl – blue, agate, milky, enchanting,
Girl like a lampshade …

What can I do, what can I do so that my soul doesn’t die,
So that my soul doesn’t burn out in your agate eyes?
What can I do to keep the rainbow tricolored,
To keep the depth of my soul from fading and burning?

Girl like a lampshade – with the Virgin Mary’s eyes,
Tubercular, transparent, a body in a dream,
Girl – blue, agate, milky, enchanting,
Girl like a lampshade …




Fille comme un abat-jour, aux yeux de Vierge Marie,
Tuberculeuse, transparente, comme un corps de rêve,
Fille bleue, lactée, d'agate, enivrante,
Fille comme un abat-jour...

Que ferai-je, que ferai-je que mon âme ne meure pas?
Que mon âme ne s’éteigne dans tes yeux d'agate ?
Que ferai-je pour que l'arc-en-ciel garde toujours ses trois couleurs?
Pour que le lointain de mon âme ne s'éteigne ni ne s'efface?

Fille comme un abat-jour, aux yeux de Vierge Marie,
Tuberculeuse, transparente, comme un corps de rêve,
Fille d'agate, bleue, lactée, enivrante
Fille comme un abat-jour...


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Ð³Û ´³Ý³ëï»ÕÍÝ»ñÁ` ºñ·»ñáõÙ
The Armenian Poets in Song
Les Poètes Arméniens en Chansons

Anahit Charents about disk "YEGHISHE CHARENTS"
/ English, French, Armenian/:

YEGHISHE CHARENTS The Armenian poet Yeghishé Charents was born in Kars, a provincial Armenian city under the rule of Imperial Russia. At seventeen, already author of published poems, he joined an Armenian volunteer army to fight against the Turks for the liberation of his people. He witnessed the YEGHISHE CHARENTScalamities of World War I, and the extermination of his countrymen in 1915 by the Ottoman Government. The outcome of his bitter impressions was the poem, “Dante-esque Legend” which made him famous at nineteen...

more about famous Armenian poet YEGHISHE CHARENTS / English, French/:

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