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Rouben Sevak

Rouben Sevak (1885-1915)
Born in Western Armenia, Sevak studied medicine in Switzerland. He wrote both poetry and prose. His poems are remarkable for their brilliant phrasing, rhythm, and expressiveness of their lyrics. He became a victim of the genocide of 1915.

Rouben Sévak (1885-1915)
Né en Arménie occidentale, poète et prosateur, il a fait des études de médecine en Suisse. Il est l’un des poètes les plus raffinés de la littérature arménienne tant par la forme de son art que par le rythme, l’expression et le style. Ce grand poète a été lui aussi victime, à l’âge de 30 ans, du génocide de 1915.

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Whisper Of Love

They sailed away, loaded with mystery and secrets,
The ships of my love sailed away from my gaze,
Their prows high, facing dark and distant shores,
And their sails drunken with the warm sunset breeze.

And I saw how, like ancient and beautiful goddesses,
In their immaculate sanctity, pure as snow,
Wings high, like pilgrims to unknown lands,
The swans of my love silently glided away.

It is evening. I am watching the immense flow,
The sea-breeze is quietly recounting the happy memories
And the boundless waters are rising with an ineffable mistery.

In front of me, gravel and foam are kissing on the shore,
I am looking at the distant horizon beyond which
The ships of my love and the swans of my dreams have silently glided away.

They sailed away, loaded with mystery and secrets…


Chuchotements de l’amour

Ils sont partis, mystérieux et lourds de secrets,
Ils sont partis, les bateaux de mes amours devant mes yeux,
Leurs proues pointées vers les rives noires et lointaines,
Leurs voiles enivrées du vent tiède du crépuscule.

Et j’ai vu, semblables à d’anciennes déesses gracieuses,
Dans la sainteté de leur blancheur immaculée,
Les cygnes de mes rêveries glisser furtivement,
Les ailes déployées, vers des rivages inconnus.

C’est le soir. Je contemple le flux de la mer infinie,
Le vent me raconte doucement des souvenirs de bonheur,
Et l’eau s’enfle infiniment d’une magie ineffable.

Pierres et mousses s’embrassent devant mes yeux...
Moi, je regarde au loin l’horizon où, sans le moindre bruit,
Ils sont partis les cygnes et les bateaux de mes rêves.

Ils sont partis mystérieux et lourds de secrets...

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Ð³Û ´³Ý³ëï»ÕÍÝ»ñÁ` ºñ·»ñáõÙ
The Armenian Poets in Song
Les Poètes Arméniens en Chansons

Hayeren Several years ago, the Tekeyan Cultural Association had a celebration in New York City, honoring the 75th anniversary of the Armenian writer and poet Khachik Dashtents. I took part in the evening, interpreting two songs that I wrote using the lyrics of his poems. The text of one of Hayerenthese songs, Armenian, which I adapted into the form of an anthem, is included in all handbooks of Armenian literature published in the Diaspora. The audience greeted the song with great enthusiasm. I believe there were two reasons for this. In the first place, its message exhorts students to speak Armenian in the countries where it is threatened with disappearance; and in the second place, I sang it with a little choir of young girls who presumably have gotten the message...
more about Disk "HAYEREN" /Armenian, English, French/:

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